100th Pct Community Council Leads Successful Food Drive

The 100th Precinct Community Council hosted its Annual Thanksgiving Food Drive on Sunday, November 12 at both Stop and Shop locations in Arverne and Rockaway Park.
On Sunday, 100th Precinct Community Council board members including Kathy Heavey, Jean Daouphars, Scott Ruscillo, Liz Wood Gerraghty and Eddy Pastore, plus volunteer and former member Ozzie Edwards, were out in front of the supermarkets collecting nonperishable food items for local food pantries. After the successful food drives, they brought the donations to Reverend Joyce Dugger of First Congregational Church and Father Richie Ahlymeyer of St. Camillus Church to add the items to their respective food pantries.
According to Council president Kathy Heavey, “The drive was very successful thanks to our generous Rockaway Community! We were able to donate food to First Congregational Church Food Pantry and to St. Camillus Food Pantry. Thanks to residents who contributed, Stop & Shop stores and the 100th Pct Council Board for a successful drive! Happy Thanksgiving to All!”