AOH Delivers Irish Fest Proceeds
On the evening of Friday, October 28, the lads of the Ancient Order of Hibernians Division 21 of Rockaway Beach and Breezy Point once again stayed true to their motto of “Friendship, Unity and Christian Charity” as they personally delivered proceeds from their successful 9th Annual Irish Festival.
The leadership of the division’s special Irish Festival Committee started out by presenting the host of the yearly fair, Monsignor Richard Ahlemeyer of St. Camillus/St. Virgilius Parish with a check of $15,000. From there, the lads traveled down to St. Rose of Lima Parish to present Pastor Father James Rodriguez with a check of $3,000 and then over to the Rockaway Knights of Columbus Hall, that hosts their monthly meetings, to present them with a check for $1,500. The donation tour ended in Breezy Point with a presentation of $1,500 to the Rockaway Point/Breezy Point Catholic Club. An additional donation to the Broad Channel Athletic Club in the amount of $1,500 is set to be delivered in the coming weeks.
Christian Charity is nothing new for the group of Irish lads from all over the Rockaways including Breezy Point, as they have used their annual Rockaway Irish Festival each year to raise much needed monies for local parishes and Christian causes. Since the inception of the Irish Fest after Superstorm Sandy in 2013, the Division has donated close to $300,000 to local parishes and organizations.
AOH Division 21 President Mark Edwards said, “I would like to thank my brothers of Division 21, the Festival Committee, Monsignor Ahlemeyer and to all who came out for our ninth annual Irish Festival. Division 21 prides itself on giving back to our community and without the community’s participation the donations don’t happen. It’s been a pleasure throwing this event every year and we look forward to continuing our tradition. Thank you all! That’s how we roll!”
Planning is currently under way for a special 10th Anniversary Rockaway Irish Festival to be held this coming year on June 3 and 4, 2023 in St. Camillus parking lot. Mark those calendars because this will be a festival that should not be missed!