Belle Harbor Chai Celebrates Chanukah

Last week Monday, December 19, on the second night of Chanukah, local Jewish families from the Rockaway area gathered at the Belle Harbor Chai Center (BHCC) to celebrate Chanukah.
“Chanukah is a time to unite together as a people and spread the light” explained Rabbi Levi Osdoba, director of the BHCC. “The core essence of every Jew is the soul, which is a literal part of G-d. When we focus on that, we unite with all of our Jewish family and our differences fade away.”
The Chanukah celebration was a family event with crafts for the children, a yo-yo show by John Higby, delicious Chanukah donuts and latkes, a grand dreidel count raffle, and so much more. It was an honor having New York City Councilwoman Joann Ariola join in the celebration. The event ended with the annual outdoor lighting of the menorah, by Chaim Pollack and his children, which then broke into a dance with the Dreidel Mascots.
The BHCC has been providing educational, social, and community activities for local Jewish families for over 20 years. The organization is spearheaded by Rabbi Levi Osdoba and his wife Lea. The Chai Center provides adult classes, Bar Mitzvah lessons, teen programs, holiday events and so much more.
The Chai Center, located at 140-06 Rockaway Beach Blvd. is open to all. For more information visit or email