Familiar Scams

Dear Editor:
Just read Dan Guarino’s article about computer scams but the one he didn’t mention is the one that I received. I had a message from someone in my family and their picture was used so I followed up. It seems that she received several thousand dollars from Social Security for a special program for seniors and she suggested I look into it.
I followed up and received a message from some man (picture used but am sure that is not the one I was eventually “speaking” with). According to that person, they needed some additional information from me such as an address, etc. as they already had my name. According to this guy, the funds would be sent by FedEx, and I would receive them the day after everything was approved. He even showed me “his” picture and another one of a FedEx delivery truck delivering packages.
I asked a few questions once he had my name and address and he said he was also in New York. When I asked where in New York he said, “Rockaway Township.” At that point I got suspicious but since he really didn’t have any real info from me, I wasn’t too worried. I questioned him some more and by his answers, I knew it was a scam but went along and agreed to await the FedEx package. However, there was one more message from him stating that while there would be no cost from the government in sending me the thousands he said I would receive, there would be a charge from FedEx of several thousand dollars which I would have to pay when they delivered the check.
At that point I very nicely told him that while I was “speaking” with him, I had contacted INTERPOL and the FBI and they had all of our back and forth messages. The message line on the computer went dead and there was no more contact.
As to the end of the story, I contacted my family member who supposedly hooked me up to this message and she had no idea what I was speaking about. It seems they just used her picture off of the internet and obviously somehow were into our connection.
Just a warning to others that while I ended this charade before anything could happen, just be careful that even if a message seems to come from a family member, it could be a scam.
Sharon Gabriel