High Tide

It may be getting dark early these days but with all the holiday tree and menorah lightings taking place across the peninsula, it’s not hard to find a little light in the darkness.
Speaking of light in the darkness! Ray Wilkins, an employee at Stop and Shop on 112-15 Beach Channel Drive, was leaving work around 8 p.m. last Friday when he witnessed someone assaulting his 19-year-old special needs co-worker in the parking lot. 23-year-old Jack Crumbley had just been chased out of Stop and Shop for shoplifting several items and immediately attacked the young man, seemingly unprovoked. Wilkins stopped the assault, sustaining several blows himself in the process, and was then able to alert police to the then fleeing career criminal, who was then arrested. Crumbley, who is reported to have over 20 prior arrests, was charged with assault, harassment and robbery. Kudos to Ray Wilkins for delivering justice where it was most certainly needed!
This past Monday, Jimmy O’Neill, a sixth grader at St. Francis de Sales Catholic Academy, returned to school after almost two years due to his battle with kidney cancer. He was welcomed back in style by the entire school on Monday morning with everyone clad in orange in support of Jimmy and his incredible journey. Welcome back, Jimmy!
In a recent Quinnipiac University poll, Mayor Eric Adams had a dismal approval rating of just 28% — the lowest of any mayor since the poll began surveying New York City in 1996. Just so everyone is on the same page, this is the same mayoral position that was once held by Bill de Blasio. In the event that Mayor Adams resigned due to his ongoing controversies, the current favorite to replace him in a nonpartisan special election would be … Andrew Cuomo. Former Governor Cuomo — who *checks notes* resigned two years ago due to multiple sexual harassment allegations — leads the field of possible candidates which also includes Public Advocate Jumaane Williams and former Sanitation Commissioner Kathryn Garcia, who finished second against Adams in the 2021 Democratic mayoral primary.
We were recently informed that a critically endangered North Atlantic right whale was sighted off the coast of Rockaway on December 8. It is possible that there are fewer than 400 of these whales alive today. Due to its presence, boaters are asked to please slow down and keep an eye out for the right whale’s v-shaped blow.
Closures of the westbound Rockaway Freeway from Beach 102nd to Beach 108th Street will begin Monday, December 18 to create a new signal tower at Beach 105th Street. The DOT-issued permit for this project allows for a three-month closure. The eastbound lanes will remain open.
Need a good read over the holidays? Owen Loof, the Best Dressed Man in Rockaway, has released the next installation of “The Best Dressed Man in Rockaway” book series. This one, “Love Stories Part One,” follows fact or fiction romantic escapades of young Owen’s life. The book is already available on Amazon and Loof has limited copies that he will be selling in the Knights of Columbus’ Tap Room on Beach 90th Street from 7 p.m. to 10 pm. on Saturday, December 16. All book sales help support various charities.
On December 7, 2023, Councilwoman Joann Ariola organized a meeting bringing together several lifeguards to speak with New York City Parks Department First Deputy Commissioner Iris Rodriguez-Rosa and discuss some of the many issues they face when protecting our beaches. Among the various subjects touched upon were issues regarding lifeguard school, a lack of adequate beach vehicles, and a culture of retribution propagated by those at the top of the lifeguard union.