One Day…One Wave At A Time

By Kami-Leigh Agard
“I’m only human. I’m just a woman. Help me believe in what I could be, and all that I am. Oh, show me the stairway that I have to climb. Lord, for my sake, teach me to take, one day at a time. One day at a time sweet Jesus. That’s all I’m asking from you. Just give me the strength to do everyday what I have to do. Yesterday’s gone sweet Jesus. And tomorrow may never be mine. Lord help me today, show me the way. One day at a time.”
The above words from the iconic country and western-style gospel song, “One Day At a Time,” come to mind daily. Sometimes, I don’t want to take “one day at a time.” As a parent, some days feel like a 10-foot wave of challenges. However, the other day, I got to thinking—why not approach life like a surfer?
There’s a guy on my street who walks down to the beach daily, just to see what the waves are like. When there’s big waves, he sprints back to his house to grab his board. He would yell out, “Kami! The waves look good! A good four to five feet.” Other times, I’d see him walking back to his house, his face a bit crestfallen, muttering, “Nah, it’s like a lake today.” This guy looks forward to the big waves. Why shouldn’t I apply that mindset to how I approach life—one wave, one day at a time?
Whether it be at home, vocational and health—why not be grateful for the big-wave days when our strength and endurance are tested? How sweet it is when we’ve conquered those waves. When we can conclude our day with a victorious smile, thankful to God that we haven’t just made it through the day, we’ve crushed it with a smile!
When a surfer gets up on a wave, they enjoy the moment, even though they know the wave will eventually end (and maybe wipe them out). Yet, they enjoy the ride, knowing that there are more waves coming.
And with the challenges of life, though sometimes I feel intimidated, wiped out—I know my Creator is whispering, “Get up, keep paddling, not just for yourself, but the beautiful daughter I blessed you with.”
So, as you open your eyes on any given day, I encourage you, dear readers, to give thanks for the big-wave days. There are multitudes who don’t have a home, family or friends to share those waves. Also, think about the men and women on military deployment serving this country, who can’t be home with their loved ones. So yes, sometimes we feel downtrodden and wiped out on the big-wave days, but there’s so much to be thankful for! Love, life and new adventures every day!
I want to give a special ‘Thank You’ shoutout to Rockaway’s wonderful community of businesses and residents, who continually support Rockaway Beach Autism Families’ (RBAF) endeavors in “Turning the tide for the autism community, one wave at a time.”
Also, I would like to extend a special heartfelt thanks to Richie Knott and the team at Knights of Columbus, who for the past five years have gifted RBAF their space to host our monthly family support group meetings and again this year, our annual holiday party, happening on Sunday, December 10, 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. with Master of Ceremonies: The Best Dressed Man in Rockaway. The holiday party is free, and everyone goes home with a gift, food and fun. Plus, Old Saint Nick will be popping in to add his “Ho, ho, ho” to our special gathering. If you are a business or local resident who would like to donate a gift or a dish towards the event, please email:
Through Friday, December 8, RBAF is hosting a holiday toy drive. Drop-off locations are The Rockaway Times’ office (114-04 Beach Channel Drive), Knights of Columbus-tap room (333 Beach 90th Street), and Smoke & Barrel (97-20 Rockaway Beach Blvd.). For more info, visit Rockaway Beach Autism Families on Facebook/Instagram. Have a blessed holiday season everyone!