Standing with Israel
Dear Editor:
Fifty years after the start of the Yom Kippur War, Israel is once again at war. Hamas terrorists, supported by Iran, have launched a vicious surprise attack by land, sea, and air that has left countless dead and wounded. The Hamas terrorists have waged a brutal offensive that has targeted not only armed forces, but civilians as well.
Having fought in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Kuwait, I know firsthand the brutality of war. These barbaric attacks on the Israeli people are horrific and must be wholeheartedly condemned. I stand with Israel and its right to defend itself against these senseless acts of violence and terror. America must fully support our ally in the Middle East. As the only democracy in the region, we must support Israel in its time of need.
To those who are fighting in Israel, we stand with you. To those who have lost loved ones, we mourn with you. To those who have fallen, we pray for you.
Am Yisrael Chai.
Thomas Sullivan
Former Assembly Candidate