• January 20, 2025

The ALMA Threat

 The ALMA Threat

Dear Editor:

The threat of the Alma Corporation development has been hanging over the community for years. Now it is a reality with the first glimpse of the magnitude of the project, four 24-story towers and townhouses, commercial space, parking garage and much more that will swallow up the neighborhood and bury the current Surfside property that is already the home of affordable housing for a diverse and multi-generational group of 2,000 residents. The Alma development is looking to add over 2,000 units that will house at a minimum, approx. 6,000 people between Beach 105th and 108th on RBB and SFP.

Yes, I represent the residents of Surfside, but SHAFT is also part of a coalition of Rockaway organizations and the community at large that recognize the threat of this development to the whole peninsula.

Every resident living on the peninsula is already feeling the impact of the construction that is in progress. There are already over 11 development projects on the books, either in progress or are pending to start, that will increase the density of the peninsula with approx. 30,000 more people over the next three years.

Who is looking out for Rockaway—no one! We need to look out for Rockaway! We deal with flooding with every storm, new apartments already built remain empty, current commercial corridors are abandoned or vacant. No regard for a hospital, no regard for emergency services, no evacuation plan.

Our lives are being put into danger as the construction continues and the density increases. The liability, risk and greed of more development is threatening the residents of Rockaway by the politicians and agencies who don’t live here but are making these decisions. It is IRRESPONSIBLE and it needs to stop now by stopping the Alma Corporation.

Barbara Buffolino

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