The Forgotten Corridor

Dear Editor:
Here I am referring to Beach 117th Street to Beach 126th Street. This year, again we are getting the shaft due to Army Corps work and their staging area on Beach 116th Street. Our beaches, for all intents and purposes, will be closed, or open with limitations (don’t go in past your ankles!). This is the same as last year. Not fair!
Not sure exactly who makes these rules, but clearly they operate with one eye closed. To repeat last year’s tactics “is a no brainer.” Easy. Automatic pilot. Not thinking.
I say why not share the mirth making? Spread around the experience. We’ve certainly had our summers full of noise and cacophony.
OK- uptown has the most money and downtown scrapes by. And we are in the middle getting the squeeze play.
Anyone involved in this location OBVIOUSLY doesn’t live here – The Forgotten Corridor. So for those not in the thick of it again – have a nice summer!
Glenn Lawson