Wrestling Legends I Wrestled Against!!

So, this past week I got an interesting email from Paul K. in Rockaway Park, asking me who were the famous wrestlers and legends I got to work with during my time in pro wrestling. Paul, I think that’s a great question and thank you for sending it in!
I have a pretty long list of famous/legendary wrestlers that I got the opportunity to wrestle against. So, let’s start off by naming a few.
I had the privilege of wrestling The Rock n Roll Express (Robert Gibson and Ricky Morton) down in Atlanta, Georgia. At the time, I was part of a tag team called the Disrespectfuls, and when NWA Legend Rocky King, who at the time was running his own promotion, told us we were wrestling the Rock n Roll Express, I just couldn’t believe it. I have to say, I was super nervous the day of the show, but once in the ring, they were true professionals in every sense of the word. This is a match I will never forget.
The other team I was privileged to wrestle against was The Nasty Boys (Jerry Saggs and Brain Knobs). I was still part of the Disrespectfuls, and ECPW Promoter Gino Caruso let us know we were working against the Nasty Boys, and I immediately got a lump in my throat. My thought was that we are going to get killed out there. But they were also super professionals and during the match, they ended up completely destroying us, but I loved every moment of it. In the back after the match, Brian Knobs came to us and thanked us for the match, and said “you guys made us look like a million dollars out there.” He made me look like a million dollars that day. I also had a chance to wrestle the Nasty Boys again, this time in an eight-man tag match, and their partners were Brutus Beefcake and Greg “The Hammer” Valentine, two WWE Legends!
These are two of my favorite WWE Legends I got wrestle against. The first one was Tito Santana. This was an absolute honor, and he was amazing to work against. I actually wrestled him three times, and each time, the matches got better and better. I learned a lot from him.
The second one is Hacksaw Jim Duggan. I had so much fun wrestling him in different promotions, and the last time I got the opportunity to work against him, after the match, he said, “Thank you for taking on the old man out there. I can wrestle you all day; it was so much fun.” That absolutely made my career.
The list is long, but I’ll end this column by listing the rest below. The matches I had with the legends of this business is something I will never forget. I hope you enjoyed reading the names as much as I enjoyed working with them.
Robbie E
Castro Cortez
Mr. Hughes
Rocky King
The Patriot
Bushwacker Luke
Shane Douglas – Manager
Little Guido/Nuzio
If you have any questions or comments please send them to eavil183@yahoo.com, and have a great weekend!